5 Reasons Why Homeowners Should Consider AC Tune-Up Yearly

commercial HVAC companies

An air conditioner tune-up is an annual maintenance service for an air conditioner. During a tune-up, a technician will inspect the air conditioning system, clean and adjust components, and perform any necessary repairs.

It also involves checking the thermostat settings, inspecting the electrical components, cleaning the condenser coils, and checking the refrigerant levels. But why is scheduling an AC tune-up annually necessary? Here are some ideas.

1. Improves Peak Performance

Regular maintenance helps keep your air conditioner running at its peak performance. By scheduling a tune-up, the technician can identify and address potential problems before they become significant. As a result, tune-up helps keep the system running efficiently.

These simple steps ensure that your air conditioner runs efficiently and extends its life. Regular maintenance is the key to keeping your air conditioner running at its peak performance level. Therefore, do it annually and ensure the HVAC system performs at peak levels.

2. Reduces Repair Costs

Repair Costs

Air conditioning repairs can be a hassle. Not only can they be expensive, but they can also take up a lot of time. Fortunately, with regular maintenance, you can avoid costly repairs and save money in the long run. Remember that prevention is always better than cure.

Scheduling routine maintenance for your air conditioning system can help you keep your system running smoothly and efficiently. With regular maintenance, you can avoid expensive repairs and save money in the long run. It’s much cheaper to pay for a tune-up than a significant repair.

3. Decreases Cooling Costs

There are many benefits to having regular maintenance for your air conditioner. Not only does it help keep your AC system running smoothly and efficiently, but it can also help reduce your cooling costs, especially during summertime when costs can skyrocket anytime.

Reducing energy costs keeps you and your family cool and comfortable throughout the hot summer months. Regular maintenance will help keep your AC system running smoothly and efficiently and ensure the electric bills stay the same for a while.

4. For Warranty Guidelines

Many air conditioning units come with manufacturer warranties, often voided if regular maintenance and care are not followed. To ensure your warranty remains in effect, it is essential to have regular maintenance and tune-ups for your AC unit.

Regular maintenance and tune-ups will help keep your AC unit running smoothly and efficiently, preventing any issues that could arise and causing the warranty to become void. Therefore, when the time comes, the manufacturer can give the service for free.

5. Abides By USDE Recommendations

The US Department of Energy (USDE) recommends that all air conditioning units be inspected and maintained at least once every year. This inspection should include a thorough system check to ensure it runs efficiently and that all parts are in good working order.

The USDE also recommends that the air filter be changed every three months to help reduce energy consumption and keep the system running smoothly. Additionally, the USDA recommends that the evaporator coils and condenser coils be cleaned annually.

5 Factors to Consider in Choosing an AC Tune-Up Company

Although an annual AC tune-up is beneficial to prolonging an air conditioner’s lifespan, choosing the best company to leave the unit is essential. Therefore, homeowners should choose the AC tune-up company based on some factors.

1. Certification

The company should have a valid license and be certified to perform AC tune-ups. A permit ensures that the technicians are qualified and knowledgeable of the unit’s operation. As a result, homeowners will get the value out of the money they paid for the service.

Knowing an AC tune-up company carries a certification issued by industry experts also puts the mind at ease, thinking that they will do their best to ensure the air conditioning unit is well taken care of and in the hands of experts in the market.

2. Reputation

It is also essential to look for a reputable AC tune-up company, which means researching how long they have been in business and what their customer reviews say. Meanwhile, word of mouth is a great way to determine which companies are reliable and trustworthy.

Additionally, checking online reviews can help you see what other customers think about their services. Usually, websites contain testimonials where past customers dictate their overall experience working with a company and the outcome they received.

3. Experience

When choosing an AC tune-up company, looking for one with experience in the specific type of service you need is essential. With the many advancements in air conditioning technology, it is necessary to find a company that is knowledgeable about the latest service methods.

Also, it is essential to look for a company that can provide a written estimate and guarantees their work, as it will ensure that you are getting the best service and that the company is reliable. Relaying their costs beforehand shows confidence in what they do as a business.

4. Rates

The cost of an AC tune-up can vary depending on the type of service you require. Many companies may offer discounts for particular services or frequent customers. Compare different companies to find the best deal for your needs.

It is also important to note that many companies may offer a flat fee for the entire service or charge by the hour. In addition, some companies may provide additional services, such as cleaning the unit or replacing worn parts, which may add to the cost.

5. Customer Service

When selecting an AC tune-up service, it is essential to consider the customer service and support offered by the company. Ensure that the company is available to answer any questions and that they are knowledgeable about their services.

Pay attention to how long it takes the company to respond to inquiries, as this can be a good indicator of the quality of their customer service. Overall, customer service should decide whether a client should hire a company’s services.


It is essential to conduct an AC tune-up service regularly to ensure the best performance of your unit. An AC tune-up service can help improve your AC unit’s efficiency, reduce energy costs, and extend the unit’s life.

Meanwhile, considering the cost, the quality of the service, the technicians’ expertise, the type of services offered, the warranty, and the customer service should help choose the best company. As a result, clients can ensure they receive the best service for their needs.

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James "Swami" Edgar

James “Swami” Edgar has over 40 years of experience in Heating in Cooling and has the highest Certification in HVAC in the USA.  James also has 6 children and has been married for 35 years to his high school sweetheart Mary.  “Swami” got is name from his time surfing in Southern California at an iconic Surf Spot where he was always making waves and and telling the best jokes.  


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